Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Skittles and Behcet's Disease

If you have Behcet's Disease, don't eat Skittles.  Don't eat M&M's.  Don't eat all that yummy candy that has dye in it.  You will suffer!

I just came back from a road trip, where a bag of Skittles was in easy reach of my right hand.  So, after shoveling several handfuls of Skittles into my mouth, I now have lots of mouth ulcers and am down on my knees thanking the auto-immune Gods for the miracle of steroid mouth rinse.

Sorry I haven't been blogging much about Behcet's lately.  I live in Wisconsin, which is a political cesspool right now, and I spend most of my time discussing which politicians need to get recalled.

Let me just tell Behcet's sufferers, be gentle with your immune system, which is completely out of whack.  Don't necessarily eat food that is supposed to be good for your immune system.  You don't want to overstimulate the system, which just responds negatively to over stimulation.  Pineapple is very very good for us.  Nuts are very very good for us, especially almonds.  And if you can, eat ORGANIC food.  There are many good things to eat that are 100% organic, like salty snacks and even chocolate cookies.  Newman-O's are an excellent substitute for Oreos. 

I can't speak for everyone, but I find good, old-fashioned Motrin an excellent pain reliever for the pain of mouth ulcers, when you don't want to take prescription pain meds.  I practically live on Motrin.

Hang in there!  We can live relatively pain free lives even with Behcet's, but we have to rethink our approach to our bodies, and definitely stop being our own worst enemy.